Black Friday Sale

Move from surviving to thriving as a conscious parent.

These 3 masterclasses give you practical tools to understand your stress responses, find moments of sacred solitude, and create screen time boundaries that actually work. Get lifetime access to all sessions – over 2.5 hours of expert guidance for your parenting journey, at our lowest price of the year!

Have we met yet?


Breathwork Practitioner &
Yoga Teacher

Emma Alta, The Reconnected Co-Founder, with her partner and 5 children

Emma (@newearth.mama) is a successful self published author and qualified in a Mastery in Rebirthing Breathwork, Kundalini Yoga, Advanced Theta Healing & Mind Body Intuitive. In her past she has been professional ballerina and top model working for vogue, harpers bazaar and walking in London, Milan, Paris and Sydney Fashion week shows. Now, she is walking the path of conscious living with her young family.


Children’s Play Therapist, Breathwork Practitioner, Counsellor

Eleanor Mann, The Reconnected Co-Founder

Eleanor is registered counsellor, holding a BA of Social Science (Counselling), a BA of Psychology (Hons), a Diploma in Breathwork, and a Grad Diploma in Child Centred Play Therapy. Eleanor is Co Founder of Reconnected Parenting and brings to the program 15 years of working with parents as a counsellor, breathworker and play therapist, and over 20 years of personal practice in Breathwork and personal development.

What's included

stress archetype graphic

Integrated Stress Archetype Masterclass, where you’ll learn…

  • How to identify your stress response pattern (Yeller, Pleaser, Hustler, or Avoider) and understand its connection to your nervous system and early experiences
  • The underlying needs and unprocessed emotions driving each stress archetype, helping you make lasting changes
  • How to recognise your stress response triggers early, before becoming reactive with your children
  • Tools to stay present and regulated during challenging moments
alone in your awakening graphic

Alone In Your Awakening Masterclass, where you’ll learn…

  • How to navigate parenting differently when family, partners, or others around you don’t share your conscious parenting values and choices
  • Understanding how to maintain strong boundaries while keeping relationships intact
  • Tools for releasing judgment and resentment when others parent differently
  • Ways to help children develop self-awareness and self-regulation 
  • The powerful truth that being the one conscious, attuned parent in a child’s life creates lasting resilience 

Healthy Screen Time for Kids Masterclass, where you’ll learn…

  • Understanding the unique challenges of being the first generation of parents navigating widespread screen access
  • The critical impact of screens on children’s imagination and play
  • Why “self-regulation” with screens often doesn’t work for children
  • The importance of being our children’s primary attachment point and source of information/answers
  • Practical strategies for reducing screen dependency

Normal Price $197